Top Trends For Mobile App Development Companies To Follow in 2019

Due to a tremendous rise in the use of mobile apps, significant progress can be seen in the growth of Mobile App Development Companies. Since the past recent years, we have been relying on mobile apps for every simple need. From recharging our mobile phones and paying bills to Ordering Food, Booking Tickets, making transactions, and the list goes on, we are dependent on mobile apps for every mundane task. Technology has made it possible for us to have remote access to multiple things. Nowadays, we have a Mobile App for almost everything we need, be it clothes, food, grocery or medicine. Mobile Apps have undergone a huge transformation and are still under progress to provide exclusive features and functionalities to users. With technological advancements taking place at a rapid pace, users' needs are also increasing in terms of mobile apps. Users are now demanding quick responsive and multi-featured apps. Read the complete blog to know the recent trends in mobile app development.

Mobile App Development Trends For 2019

  • AR & VR To Gain Hype: Augmented and Virtual Reality has expanded its reach beyond gaming apps. AR and VR technology has stirred the whole of the industry and influenced a great amount of audience. They have created considerable hype around social media platforms. Apps like Snapchat and Instagram have already introduced an AR filter. AR and VR are going to find their way into mobile app development in order to provide better user experience and interaction. These technologies are predicted to be used for social media campaigns for attracting potential customers through 'Beyond The Screens' AR/VR apps. 
  • Apps Turning Smart With IoT: As we all know that the era of smart things and smart objects has reigned and it is time that the app development companies start to adopt their way to smart app development. The concept of smart things originated from the Internet of Things or IoT. IoT connects physical devices over the internet and allows them to interact with each other. It is considered to be one of the most impactful technology in the work of mobile app development. IoT app development would enable various entities to have easy access to the data.
  • Making Apps more Interactive with Chatbots: Chatbots are AI-driven virtual agents that interact with the users and resolve their queries more efficiently than human agents. Users nowadays require an apt response and relevant information when interacting with customer service executives. This may not be feasible with humans, therefore mobile apps need to have smart bots tackling every query of the user in no time. Moreover, chatbots incur more customer engagement with their witty interactions with the users.
  • Beacons Technology: Beacons technology has made its place in numerous applications. A number of industries like Museums, Hotels, Restaurants, Healthcare, etc are including Beacon technology in their applications. Beacon is considered to go a long way in the coming future. This technology included with IoT can prove to be extremely beneficial for retailers to evaluate sales and conduct promotional campaigns. With beacon technology, app developers will be able to introduce new features in the apps.
  • Blockchain To make Eminent Impact: Blockchain has been in the headlines since its debut in the industry. It has opened several opportunities in the IT sector since the time it came into the play. Though the technology kept itself restricted to developing cryptocurrencies and smart contracts in 2018, but it is going to expand its area of application in 2019. The developers will use blockchain technology to develop decentralized mobile apps. We expect a great contribution of the technology to the world of app development.
  • Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence: The grand impact of AI and ML is not only limited to mobile application development only but in every field that we can think of. These technologies will continue to make advancements in every domain. We all witnessed the exemplary manifestation of AI in developing chatbots whereas the result of the combination of AI & ML, Siri gained much appreciation. In 2019, these technologies are not going to be limited to chatbots and Siri. Many companies have adopted AI app development to offer better user experience and enhance the overall app performance.
  • Cloud-Based Mobile App: Mobile app development companies are inclining towards Cloud-based development for improving the speed, reliability and security measures implied. Moreover, using Cloud technology such as Dropbox, AWS, SlideRocket, and many more, it is now possible for the developers to develop powerful apps that run directly on the Cloud.

Rightly Choose The Competent Mobile App Development Company

Staying updated to the latest trends and technologies in the development field is what makes an app development firm a relevant one. The company that updates its work strategies and methods with the technological advancements will be able to meet the customers' changing demands with ease. If you are planning to get a mobile application for your business, make sure that you are lending services from a company that knows the market trends and makes constant efforts to adopt them. Get in touch with OZVID Technologies and discuss your needs. 



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